Return to Bruno’s Great Waypoint Corral

Event Race Rules

Bruno’s Great Waypoint Corral: A Biathlon Orienteering Race

General Rules

  1. General Overview
  • The race combines the skills of orienteering and marksmanship. Participants navigate through a series of checkpoints (controls) using a map and compass, with shooting stations integrated into the course.
  1. Race Format
  • Course Structure: Participants must navigate a pre-determined course that includes orienteering legs and the shooting range
  • Checkpoints (Controls): Participants must find all checkpoints in the correct order using their map and compass.
  • Shooting Stations: After completing a set number of checkpoints, participants must stop at a shooting station to fire at targets using air rifles.
  • Team Structure:  The race will consist of team of 2 or 3 individual who must always stay together during the event.  U13 teams must be accompanied by a supervising adult throughout the racing event.
  • Race Time:  Each team will be allotted 3 hours to complete the race.
  1. Team Composition
  • U13 teams: 3 shooting/4 running stages with collecting 2-3 waypoints during each running stages
  • U17 teams: 3 shooting/4 running stages with collecting 4-5 waypoints during each running stages
  • Open teams: 3 shooting/4 running stages with collecting 4-5 waypoints during each running stages
  • Minimum age: The minimum age to compete is 8 years of age as of 28 Sep 2024. The minimum age for supervising adult of a U13 team is 16 years of age.
  1. Equipment
  • Orienteering: Participants must carry a map, control cards, and any required safety gear.
  • Cellular Phone: The supervising adult of each U13 team must carry with them a fully charged cell phone during the racing to contact officials in the event of race withdrawal or emergency event
  • Shooting: Air rifles are provided at shooting stations. Participants must use the provided rifles and cannot bring their own.
  1. Orienteering Rules
  • Navigation: Participants must navigate using only their map and sense of direction. GPS devices are not allowed.
  • Checkpoints: Each checkpoint has a unique control marker. Participants must punch their control card at each checkpoint to verify completion.
  • Penalty for Missing a Checkpoint: Skipping a checkpoint results in a time penalty.  Teams are to submit their control cards when entering the range, and at the finish line.
  • U13 Supervising Adult: The supervising adult role during the orienteering portion of the race is to provide encouragement, facilitate the team decision making process, and ensure team safety
  1. Shooting Rules
  • Shooting Distance: The shooting stations feature targets placed at a 10-meter distance.
  • Shots per Station: Each team will be given 15 pellets to shoot down five targets.
  • Shooting sequence:  Each teams will be required to shoot in the following position sequence
    • U13: Prone, Prone, Prone
    • U17: Prone, Standing, Prone
    • Open: Prone, Standing, Prone

The shooting bout must begin with an individual of the team that have not shot before. Then after every 5 shots taken, each team must rotate to another shooter.  Non shooting members of the must remain behind the observation line unless making exchange with teammate.

  • Penalty for closed breach: Any participants leave the breach closed at the completion of the shooting stage or during exchange with teammate will be penalized 30 sec time penalty for every infraction.  If the team incurs 5 infraction will be disqualified.
  • U13 Supervising Adult:  The supervising adult may aid the U13 participant in pumping and loading of the air rifle.  However, the shooting itself needs to be completed by U13 teammate.
  • Rifle Rest: U13 participants may use the provided resting block during
  • Scoring: Each missed target after 15 shots taken results in a time penalty
  1. Race Flow
  • Start: Teams will be placed in starting heats with time intervals of 5:00min between each heat.
  • Orienteering Segment: Participants navigate through a set of checkpoints, collecting punches on their control cards.
  • Shooting Segment: After completing a specified number of checkpoints, participants proceed to a shooting station. They must complete the shooting task before continuing.  All team members must enter and exit the range area all at the same time
  • Penalties: Time penalties for missed shots or skipped checkpoints are added immediately after each segment.
  • Finish: The race is completed once all checkpoints are visited and shooting tasks are done. The winner is determined by the fastest total time, including penalties. The finish time is recorded when the last member of the team crosses the finish line.
  1. Safety
  • Safety Officer: A safety officer is stationed at each shooting range to ensure proper handling of air rifles.
  • Shooting Safety: Rifles must always be pointed downrange, and participants must follow the commands of the range officer.
  • Orienteering Safety: Participants must be aware of their surroundings and avoid hazardous areas.  Team members must remain together at all times while on course.
  1. Disqualification
  • Participants may be disqualified for unsafe behavior, tampering with control check points, unsportsmanlike conduct or violating shooting rules.